Thursday, 3 March 2011


hey people! Tim and I want to make officail F.P.A T-shirts! cool huh. acually the idea is relativly in Tim just came up with the idea five seconds ago tipe-new. SO since we are all part of the F.P.A does that mean that we are F.P.A agents? Sounds so professional! Heh heh. hahem. cough. grunt. anyway this is my first post sooooo, This is shannon tiping this.
I know this is kinda a short post but I have to do some school work right about now see you later
fairy-poodle people!
P.S. tel me what you think of the idea. :) :) <(^-^)> Smilie


  1. welcome to the fpa, shannon. glad you answered your email. there are now SEVEN MEMBERS!!!! and, uh, YEAH, make some t-shirts! that'd be awesome!

  2. Hey shannon!!! I think on the T-shirts we should have like a giant fairy poodle going like around the middle, you know like the ones that are like sideways and wrap like half the way around you. And then on the top it can say in like really cool lettering, I'm a member of the F.P.A. Cool huh? Well tell me what you think!!!
