Thursday 31 March 2011


  Link, muffin tops with a side of orange juice! A well fit breakfast! now random symbals, that really don't mean anything! ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}[]\|:";'<.>,?/?` yayayaya! ~!@#~!@#$%^&*(()))))))))))))))____+++++++ yeah, so, shugga shugga shugga!


Friday 25 March 2011

Not for Cassidys eyes, for her own good!


Peace, luv, and operation EVERYONE-NEEDS-CASSIDY!

Corrina <3<3 :):)

Thursday 24 March 2011


Apparently, I am the only one who cares to blog about our very awesome fairy poodle. So I shall do just that.

Attention all Shannon and Tims:

I won't see you for a long while, but I would like to tell you that you have items at my house that I would like to give you. Upon our reunion, you shall need to collect:

A script for my next birthday for Shannon and Bridged. Note: I would like these lines MEMORIZED. Meaning: when it is your turn to speak (cough, cough, Shannon) no bursting out laughing or saying, "oh, wait, is that my line?" (Cough, cough, shannON!)

A Chabigail story: I have three stories for you, however, only one of them are finished for you. (In case anybody is wondering, this story is available at my book blog, which can be found here.) It's not the first one, but it should be titled, um, something or other. I don't know right now.

Attention all Jessicas:

Speaking of scripts, how're you doing with those lines? Good? Great. Oh, and call me about something. I have a preposition for your sister: Since my friend Katie will not be attending this year's party, can Allysa come and do her lines? If she wants to, that's cool. Call me if she accepts or declines the offer.

Attention the rest of you:


That be all.

Monday 14 March 2011


  That was a word that i just made up! So you all can be saying Chickawala (Chick-a-wala) like all the time! And me and Cassidy just started singing "Dynomite".  I throw my sandwich in the air sometimes, sayin' ayo! I ordered mayo (Not actual words)! That's just some version making fun of the song. The song goes like this; I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, sayin' ayo! I gotta let go (Actual words)! Speaking of weird remixes of songs, yesterday, at the Chinese food place, my cousin Felicia said that she has cameras on her school bus (Creepy) So we made a song to the tune of the "Wheels on the bus". So, here goes! The cameras on the bus film naughty kids, naughty kids, naughty kids! The cameras on the bus film naughty kids, all threw the town! And after we sang the song i alerted her that she should tell a parent/guardian that her creepy school films the kids on the bus! I am certainly glad that i do not go to her school! Do you make up weird remixes of song that no one likes?????

Peace, luv, and chickawala!!

Corrina <3<3

Friday 11 March 2011

Attention all FPA members...INVITE

Hi everyone out there who loves to FP! I am VERY pleased to announce that you all (and me a second time) have been invited to check out Steve Finnell's blog!

Here is ze link:

Yes, I have already been invited and have followed for quite some time now. However, now every one of YOU, Jen in the Purple Pants, who is NOT useless!, Tim, Shannon, Corrina, Jessica, and Alyssa are invited to follow! You don't have to, of course. But it is a cool Christian blog and I'd love it if some of you guys would check it out!

Okay, so, we need to have a meeting to discuss the positions of us. Tim has applied for (ehem) three positions. Well, actually, he just said he wanted to. YOU'RE NOT GETTING ALL THREE POSITIONS! Obviously, but Shannon wants to make t-shirts.

Does anyone get party line? Or three-way? Most cell phones should...I know Shannon and Jessica have theirs. If not, we'll have to arrange a meeting. Well, let's see...

If we could do party line, Shannon and Tim could use both of their phones, Tim could call Jessica, and Alyssa could use the other phone, and then Shannon could call me, and Corrina could use the other phone, so we wouldn't be exceeding the party line limit and still be in a phone conference!!!!!

Does anyone here get party line?

Okay, well, thank you and remember, DO NOT EAT THE FAIRY POODLE.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Fairy poodle news flash!

Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. School's just been crazy.

Anyway, I have a very important message for all of you:
You ever heard that song by Elvis where he says "You can do what you want, but don't step on my blue suede shoes"?
Well I'm saying "You can do what you want, but DO NOT EAT THE FAIRY POODLE!!!"
I mean it! Do not eat the Fairy Poodle!
No one may eat the Fairy Poodle!
Until next time,

Wednesday 9 March 2011

We need to make this OFFICIAL!

Okay, so, hello, memebers of the Fairy Poodle Assosiation! If you're a contributor to this blog, you're an official member of the FPA! But we need to, like, get together to make this an official assosiation! We need a mission statement or a newsletter and stuff. This is gonna be a little hard since none of us can technically get together with our friend Jen.

So, here's what I was thinking: we need some special stuffs to make this happen. I've got six positions up for grabs. Everyone take one with the exception of Jen, who can't really do this.

1: Provide a house for meetings.
2: Provide SNACKS for meetings.
3: Be the president.
4: Write a newsletter.
5: Be our tech manager. (I.e., blog tech management, making t-shirts, anything computer-related)
6: Be our social manager. (I.e., get more members, keep contact with other members, ect.)

Okay, so, Shannon, Tim, Alyssa, Jessica, Corrina, and I will pick our positions. Try and select it to your skills, like if your mom likes having people over, maybe provide the meeting spot. Or maybe if you're a good baker, you can make some snacks. If you're a good writer, write the newsletter.

Stuff like that. I would like everyone to get back to me on this one! Thanks! Cassafrassidy, over and out.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

cool, cool, fairy poodle

hello fellow F.P.A members! that Idea corrina is AMAZING! the idea about t-shirts. like, what can go on the t-shirts. thank you for your inputes. Okay, I can't believe hw many of us are in the F.P.A.
I really had nothing else to say and need to finish my homework so I can't exactly say anymore gotta run!

Saturday 5 March 2011

Poodles rock!

  Hi, it's Corrina again! And all i want to say is that i LUUUUV poodles!! Yeah, poodles....

   Well, anyways, tonight i'm sleeping over my friend Abby's house again. I slept over like, uh i dunno, last Thursday. In other news, me cassidy and my dad are going to do a 5k run (3.1 miles). And we started our training yesterday, but i have no idea how i will keep this up. No chocolate or dessert (Except for b-day party's or whatever) until the 5k! No chocolate!!!! Okay, so keep routing me on!!!

Peace, luv, and 5k!!

Corrina <3 <3

Thursday 3 March 2011


hey people! Tim and I want to make officail F.P.A T-shirts! cool huh. acually the idea is relativly in Tim just came up with the idea five seconds ago tipe-new. SO since we are all part of the F.P.A does that mean that we are F.P.A agents? Sounds so professional! Heh heh. hahem. cough. grunt. anyway this is my first post sooooo, This is shannon tiping this.
I know this is kinda a short post but I have to do some school work right about now see you later
fairy-poodle people!
P.S. tel me what you think of the idea. :) :) <(^-^)> Smilie

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Blogfest 2011

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for....the BLOGFEST video!

Thanks to:

Pastor Mike
Baby Genevieve
and our live audience,