Sunday, 26 June 2011

An idea about a fairy poodle day

hello fellow F.P.A members!
I just got this really good idea!! we should dedicate a full day to fairy poodles. We could have a set of events for the day. We could call it 'Fairy Poodle Day' or something like that. If you have a good name tell me!
If we end up telling people about it, it could turn into a national holiday. I guess it kinda is a crazy idea............ a day dedicated to a poodle with wings. but when it comes down to it, it isn't just any old poodle with wings. It is a fairy poodle!


  1. Oh my gosh we should!!!!! Great idea!!!!! What day should it be??

  2. We should!!! That would be awesome!!!

  3. that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
