Saturday 21 May 2011

The World Didn't End!! Surprise Surprise!!

Hey FPA members, it's me Jen! So you might've seen on my other blog that my friends and I survived the world ending scenario. As did all people. But anyways, my friends and I were riding scooters around town, and at 10 minutes to 6, my friend Phil started to freak out, and so did my friend Anneka. So we scootered (spell check thinks that's a word, so why not?) to an open field so no trees could fall on us during the earthquake that was "supposed" to happen. When the clock hit 6, we sat around perfectly quiet listening for the sound of screaming people or a tsunami or trees falling or anything. But we heard nothing aside from the occasional car teetering by or dog walkers. Then Phil announced that it was 6:01, and we all leaped up and shouted "WE'RE ALIVE!! WE'RE ALIVE!!" and all these people on bicycles rode by and cast us weird looks. And then we rode back to Phil's house and wrote a blog post. So that was my day in a nutshell.


  1. We Are Alive!!!! Yeah somebody posted!!!

  2. I love your blog. I enjoy blogs which are written in a group of people, it makes it interesting to read. Anywho, I forgot all about the whole "end-of-the-world-scenario" and was reading manga when the world was supposed to end. I was glad it didn't, though, since I was quite engrossed in the manga :)
